16th infantry graveYesterday the staff at Governors Island National Monument uploaded my video tribute to Merle David Hay. I say “my” video but really it was a team effort. I wrote and narrated the text. Before we videotaped one of the rangers reviewed the draft and added some valuable insights and recommendations. He and another ranger also forwarded along some images to go with the ones I had. Their contributions greatly added to the final cut.

We shot it over three consecutive Sunday mornings in July. It is amazing the work that goes into a four minute clip. Finally one of the summer interns edited the footage. Needless to say, his technical skills are considerably greater than mine. It would not look as good as it does without his hard work. I could not embed it so one will have to click here to watch. Please note that any mistakes are mine alone. We are hoping to do more of these as the WW1 centennial continues. Merle Hay was one of the first three American to have been killed in the First World War. I hope the video is worthy of his memory. It is just one of the stories one will hear at Governors Island.

Here is the link once more. Enjoy.